Featuring: Justice Edwin Cameron


Stellenbosch & South Africa: Opportunities and Challenges.

Description: Justice Cameron will talk about the Zondo Commission, former President Zuma's conviction, and how a culture of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary underpins the democratic foundations of the nation. Further, Justice Cameron will question the application of ethics and compliance with rules within the business community in South Africa today.

Arguing that education is key to building the foundations of strong, well-led institutions, he will explore the idea that we have an ethical commitment to the youth in South Africa, and that Universities and industry together have an obligation to ensure that skills levels in the country rise, that moral and active citizenship are values that we impart to the youth, and that we work to attain social justice.

In conversation, we’ll cover some of the many human rights issues that the recently retired Judge has dealt with throughout his long and interesting career, ranging from HIV and sexual orientation to treason cases.  We will learn about his journey out of the poverty of an orphanage in Queenstown, to Pretoria Boys, to Stellenbosch University, to Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, and through the courts to eventually become a Judge in the Constitutional Court.

In January 2012, at the invitation of the Law Commission of England and Wales, South African Constitutional Court Justice Edwin Cameron delivered The Fourth Leslie Scarman Lecture on the topic “What you can do with rights”.
In 2015, Justice Cameron was awarded an honorary doctorate by Stellenbosch University in acknowledgment of his “unstinting professional and personal advocacy for the recognition of every person's dignity, freedom and equality – foundational values he has helped entrenched in our legal system and beyond".  On their website, the university goes on to state that “his role in securing the inclusion of sexual orientation as a prohibited ground of discrimination in the Bill of Rights, as well as his advocacy for persons with HIV/Aids, has made him a key player in South African and international law.”
Justice Edwin Cameron took over as Chancellor of Stellenbosch University from Dr Johann Rupert in 2020.  He is also an accomplished author and knows the challenges of living with HIV first hand, which he wrote about in his 2005 book "Witness to Aids".

Watch the replay below:

Charity fundraising links:
Chancellors fundraising - https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?campaignId=16710&charityId=1020468
Vice Chancellors - https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?campaignId=16709&charityId=1020468
General page to donate - https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?campaignId=16281&charityId=1020468

Date:  8:00am to 9:00am, Tue 21st Sep 2021

Venue:  Zoom

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