Deloitte on modern work trends: “Millennials are a game-changer”

September’s Chamber Connects event saw Caroline Kennair and Deepinder Lamba of Deloitte discuss international human capital trends particularly pertinent to the SA market.

This very interesting presentation tackled both global and South African trends with regards to the current and future needs of employees in the workplace.  Our guests were shown the problems facing employers in attracting and retaining employees across generations, as well as given examples of the methods employers are using to resolve these issues.

Ms Kennair and Mr Lamba also discussed the impact of a new generation of workers, Generation Y or “Millennials” that are changing the face of modern work. These employees are motivated by happiness and authenticity, not necessarily financial compensation or prestige. Companies on the cutting edge are adapting to this challenge and finding new ways to motivate their increasingly younger workforces. 

As is our tradition, the presentation was followed by drinks and canapés, where our guests were given the opportunity to network and forge new business relationships. This event was enjoyed by all and the Chamber encourages anyone with an interest in commerce and networking to join us in the future.

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