

Description: Auto-enrolment deadlines are looming; planning and preparations are underway but the complexity and detail involved may only now be becoming apparent. Does this sound familiar? If so, then this seminar is for you.

Hosted by employee benefit consultants Cartlidge Morland and Colman Coyle solicitors this seminar aims to provide small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) with essential information on how to implement a successful and compliant pension auto-enrolment strategy.

It will be an interactive and lively (yes, we promise) event where you will be able to ask questions and receive guidance from the experts:

Learn from the problems the larger firms faced when they auto-enrolled their staff
What to look out for to prevent your firm from falling short of the regulations
When and how to communicate with your employees
How to minimise your financial risk and costs
What to do if your plan goes wrong
It will be relevant to financial directors, HR managers, and business owners who have, or are about to start implementing their strategy

Thursday 17th October 2013
5.15 pm Registration
5.30 pm Auto-Enrolment Q & A
6.30 pm Join us for a well deserved drink!

Holborn Bars, 138-142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2NQ

Date:  5:15pm to 7:00pm, Thu 17th Oct 2013

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