
Lightning Talks: My Story. My Life. My Business!

Description: The Chamber is launching a "Lightning Talks" series, where a variety of speakers will talk for 5 minutes about their lives and business. This is a networking event, an opportunity to find out more about fellow Chamber members and what they have to offer.

You can watch the video of the webinar below:

Current Speakers:

Alexandra Gillies of Alexandra's Africa used the potential of sustainable tourism, her roots in conservation and her love of the Limpopo area, to start a lifetime journey of exploration and discovery.

Val Harris of Phatt started her life in the UK with £500 in her pocket and no real plan! A lifetime of struggling with her weight lead to a very low ebb.... Val had to find a way to turn her life around!

Marianna Marks of M and M Communications has faced adversity, but used it as a force to change. She has found the courage to be free by being true to herself.

Lena Thompson of Natures Frequencies UK spent 20 years in IT and felt anxious, disconnected and without purpose. She knew that her life was about something a lot bigger but had no idea what it was.

Gerhard Perold of the Perold Wine Cellar is driven to share South Africa with the people of Britain and especially the story of his great-grandfather who created the Pinotage grape.

If you'd like to present, this is your opportunity to raise your profile and could be your TED Talk warm up!

If you are keen to speak at our next Lightning Talks on 21st May, please email Dawn for details and training opportunities.

Date:  2:00pm to 3:30pm, Thu 21st May 2020

Venue:  Zoom

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