
Women's Day Event: Celebrating the Power of Collaboration

Description: Join us for an inspiring Women's Day event dedicated to recognizing the immense potential of collaboration among women. When women come together, pooling their skills, resources, and knowledge, the results are often unparalleled.

Collaboration fosters innovation, opens doors to new opportunities, and breaks down barriers faster than going solo.

By sharing experiences, knowledge, and guidance, women can help each other navigate professional and personal challenges. This mentorship is invaluable, aiding women in progressing their careers, building confidence, and achieving their goals.

It is important to note that supporting other women does not mean excluding or diminishing support for men. In fact, it underscores the necessity of including men in efforts to address gender-based inequalities and emphasizes the importance of working together to create a more inclusive society for everyone.

Come join us and celebrate solidarity, empowerment, and the transformative power of women supporting women. Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

This event is free, but booking is essential. Zoom links will be sent out in the 24 hours prior to the event.

Watch the replay:


Caroll Masevhe, Kapcor Construction

Caroll Masevhe is the Managing Director of Kapcor Construction (Pty) Ltd. She holds a NDip in Building and Civil Engineering, NVC in Entrepreneurship from Wits University Business School and various certificates in the Occupational Health & Safety, Construction Management Processes, Business Administration, Leadership and Operations from different institutions.

Caroll is passionate about developing young women within the sector and stands by this cause. The business has partnered with a programme called YES4YOUTH, an initiative by the presidential office that enables youth to gain working experience. Kapcor hosts the youth within the business providing them with valuable work experience, mentoring and skills development opportunities.

Dr Arthie Moore-Robberts, Celebrating Humanity

Dr Arthie Moore-Robberts is an Entrepreneur and Leadership Strategist with a career spanning 26 years. As the Founder of Celebrating Humanity International Pty Ltd since 2005 and the KI Leadership Institute Pty Ltd in 2015, she has left an indelible impact both nationally and internationally.

Her trailblazing leadership approach spans continents, transforming lives in Lebanon, Ireland, UK, USA, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. A dedicated Philanthropist, she envisions a global movement of compassionate Leaders of Influence inspiring positive change.

Arlene Wilson-Max, Innovative Entrepreneurs

Arlene Wilson-Max is the managing director of Pan Africa Exchange (Pty) Ltd where she promotes Africa as an investment destination through country focus seminars, trade missions, and bi-lateral meetings that highlight the opportunities available to potential investors. Arlene is passionate about bringing like-minded captains of industry, government representatives and civil society together to look at various ways to promote the implementation of sustainable and meaningful socio-economic development.

She was previously the Stakeholder Relations Executive at the BEE Chamber.

Koni Maliehe, Koni Wines

One of the reasons Koni started the business was to stretch herself into newness, she was tired of the known and wanted to totally learn something new.

Although facing initial challenges, with her can-do attitude and positive mentality she has gained a loyal fan club for her wines. One of her champions view her wines as key to their Friday “unwinding” sessions.

Dr Jaishree Naidoo, Envisionit Deep AI

Jaishree is the CEO, co-founder of Envisionit Deep AI and Director of Paeds Diagnostic Imaging. Envisionit Deep AI is an innovative medical technology company that utilizes AI to streamline and improve medical imaging diagnosis for radiologists. Jaishree is a paediatric radiologist.

Date:  12:00pm to 1:00pm, Wed 14th Aug 2024

Venue:  Zoom

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