
Board Breakfast with HE President Jacob Zuma


The SA Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce a special Board Breakfast with the President of the Republic of South Africa, His Excellency President Jacob Zuma.

The President has requested an audience with senior business leaders in the UK and Chamber Board Members are invited to attend to discuss the National Development Plan and South African industrialisation policy.

The breakfast will be hosted by Board Member PWC on Tuesday 28 October from 7.30 - 9.30 at 7 More Riverside London, SE1 2RT.

Board Members are requested to RSVP to Lyndsey Duff at [email protected] by COB Wednesday 22 October to register their attendance.

Date:  7:30am to 9:30am, Tue 28th Oct 2014

Venue:  PricewaterhouseCoopers

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