It’s time to once again honour those South Africans who have done the most to promote South Africa and South African business in the past year. It’s time for your Chamber’s South African Business Awards 2016.

Here is your chance to vote for your favourite South African business man or woman living in the UK.  The South African Business Award judges, all top business men and women in their own right and including several previous South African Business Award winners, will meet to vote on who each of them think should be the winners of each award. 

The South African Business Awards will be presented to the winners at a prestigious event in the Conservatory at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Harrington Gardens, Kensington, London on the evening of Wednesday 20th April. Each Business Award nominee will be presented with a framed certificate honouring their Business Award nomination with the winner in each category receiving the attractive desktop South African Business Award. A feature of the Business Awards evening will be the five star Tastes of South Africa buffet consisting of twelve of your favourite South African dishes. To book tickets for the South African Business Awards event on Wednesday 20th April click here. We recommend that you book early since places at the prestigious Awards event are limited despite the size of the impressive palm fringed Conservatory at the four star Millennium Gloucester Hotel.


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